Missing You

She was over it.

All of it.

Thorn popped the cork and generously poured the strawberry champaign into the nearest wine glass.

She runs a shaky hand through her hair, downing half the glass as she blankly stares at a picture of Her.

She'd tore off every thumbtack and string of red yarn on her cork board prior to taping Her face to it.

Her sister.

The reason he was gone now.

She'd looked for days-



He had just vanished.

She stood up from her spot on the dusty floorboards, grabbing a knife off of her desk. Faint glimpses of the sun peeking through the holes of her taped windows, iluminating the photo on the board.

The longer she stared at it, the angrier she became.

Angry at herself, Him, and especially Breeze.

Her sister.

In a swift motion, she grips the knife tight in her claws before sending it straight for the photo.

"You won't do it! I won't let you!"

It all happened too fast.

Thorn was losing her composure, and the curse was quickly clawing its way out of the depths of her soul, threatening to reveal itself once again.

Just before she exploded in rage, Onyx caught up to her and immediately took charge of the situation, defending her with every ounce of energy he could muster.

A sharp whistle in the thick air.

Thorn staggered to the ground, an arrow penetrating straight through her calf, blood staining the pristine wood and precious metal head in the middle of her attempts of making an escape portal.

The portal was now distrorted.

Unable to close it due to the burning shards of the arrowhead in her wound, she desperately made vain attempts to pull the arrow back out, only worsening the pain.

As soon as she looked up, another figure stood above her, a spear in his hand and aimed at her heart. Onyx grabbed the male as they both struggled and moved backwards; straight for the uncontrollable portal Thorn had cast mere seconds ago.

By then it was too late.

She'd torn the arrow out of her leg, tears staining the fine fur on her cheeks as she desperately reached for the portal that had just closed- taking Onyx with it.

She threw her back against the stained walls, slowly sliding back down to the floor, her tears and soft sobs echoing through the empty cabin.

Her mind foggy with the event playing on repeat in her head.

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