Write a short story from the point of view of a member of staff at the Arrivals gate of a busy airport.

Which events in this job could you focus on to drive an interesting narrative?

A Dream

I should have left hours ago, but my best friend said she wouldn’t be able to pick me up till later and no one else lived close enough to me. Here I was sitting watching as people arrived off the plane.

I picked up the martini I ordered from the bar and took a big gulp of it swallowing it. I watched as the security directed a old couple to where the exit was. There was a wife, pregnant who was reunited with her army officer husband and they were crying happily in the moment.

Next up was a happy family, both a boy and a girl with Mickey Mouse ears, they must have just got home from a summer vacation. Behind them was two teenagers returning from a trip of Cabo, Mexico.

Then for a moment, there didn’t seem to be any passengers arriving. I waited and wondered how long it would be until more arrived home from their trips and shocked to find the next man arriving had just got back from a business trip with his suitcase in hand and a black Tux.

“Tabitha, you ready to go,” I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned to find a stranger. I got up and walked with them towards a white light and everything started fading. I opened my eyes to find it was a dream and my alarm Clark blaring loudly.

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