Submitted by Ams

Create a character that you would undoubtedly hate, and write a story where a tragedy befalls them.

It's often difficult to write characters which we find unpleasant; be considerate with how you will authentically create their personality!

Not Like Me

“Oh come on. She can’t be serious.”

Danny rolls his eyes at his phone. Lucy should just make up her mind and make the right decision. Seeing her post a picture of her and Jake just grinds his gears.

Jake is….nice. But who wants nice? That’s boring.

Danny is interesting. He can take her on adventures and keep her life exciting. He may not express his emotions outwardly, but she knows him and his feelings for her. He doesn’t have to say anything anyway. She’ll always come back to him.

She has ever since they were young. Some may say he is overconfident, but he is just knowledgable, basing it off of experience. Prior data.

She’s probably doing it to make him jealous. That makes more sense. Jake was always in his shadow.


There she is now. This is the moment. Finally.

“I just needed to tell you something.”

He smiles and gestures her to continue. He knew it. Jake was just a placeholder. Danny was always the one with her heart.

“Jake and I are dating.”

_What? _“What?”

Her eyebrows raise, “Why are you so surprised?” Her tone has an edge of suspicion and accusation.

“Well I guess I always thought you and I had something,” he says casually, trying not to show his true shock.

“I used to have a crush on you, but you never seemed to be into me. I’ve been spending time with Jake and I really like him.”

He refrains himself from having a visible reaction. “But not like you do me.” Ok that just slips from his mouth. But it’s not untrue.

“And why do you get to decide that?” She asks, a cold look taking over her features.

Shrugging, he replies, “I didn’t decide that.” The implication is left unsaid, that he thinks that she thinks that.

“Well I didn’t say that. Jake is good to me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” she says with finality and turns to walk away.

“Goodbye Danny.”


(I think it is weird how lately the brooding, bad boy with some deep trauma is pushed. If that’s what you’re into, that’s fine, but I feel like in these movies and TV shows, it doesn’t make sense. Like in My Life with the Walter Boys, it does not make sense **to me** for Jackie liking Cole. Just because he is nice sometimes does not mean you have to accept everything that he’s done. Like why can’t the nice guy win? Somehow the “easy” or “safe” option isn’t the best option?

No joke, Danny would 97% be the winner of a love triangle these days. I’m also thinking of a different show, but I won’t mention that because I can talk all day about it. And I have the more unpopular opinion. Not my best but I really wanted this out of my drafts.)

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