by Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Write this character's story.


“This isn’t what I wanted!” “I know! You just have to trust me!” His fingers started to slip and the stormy, shifting sea below him made him even more terrified. He gripped the grass as Lydia grasped his arms, trying to hoist him up. “You’re not strong enough, Lydia!” He cried. “Yes I am! I can pull you!” Tears tan down her cheeks as she desperately tried to pull him up. The dark clouds started to shed their own tears of rain, salty, bitter tears that pelted Caleb’s face. “Just let me go. I’m not worth it.” He said. Lydia suppressed a sob. “You’re my brother. I can’t let you go, even if i wanted to.” She said. She slipped on the wet grass, her dress getting soaked in mud and rain. She thought about why they were here, why it had happened. Only a few words rang clear in her mind. It was my fault. “I shouldn’t have listened to him! I should have stayed with you and John. Now look where we are!” “Look at me.” Said Caleb. She gazed down into his shining gray eyes. “It’s not your fault.” He sighed and his hand slipped even further, with only a few of his fingers keeping him alive. “Lydia, if you don’t let go of me, you’ll fall too.” She knew this but she didn’t let go. “Lydia!” Shouted Caleb. She couldn’t, she didn’t have the power. “Lydia…!” His fingers gave way and he fell down, dragging Lydia with him. (Next chance I get, I’ll give more details on the story. It is quite literally a cliff hanger ending.)
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