Submitted by Mel Davies

Write a fantasy story about a character and their animal companion who turns out to be their shapeshifting enemy.


Del’s eyes shot open and her mouth opened in a gasp. Her hands twitched and gripped the ground, tiny pebbles and dirt digging into her skin. She was in a cave, sat by a small fire, which was burning a bouquet of lillies. There was a sharp pain in her side. Her eyes shot down to the arrow sticking out of her abdomen. There was a soft sound next to her, and she looked over to see a black lamb, staring at her with it’s red eyes. It bleeted again at her, and a piece of clothing fell out of its mouth. It looked like it’d been from her tunic. The small creature seemed to have dragged her here all by itself. Del grunted as she reached for the creature, softly stroking its black coat as tears fell from her eyes.

“Thank you…” Though, Aamon should have been thanking her. She was so pure, he could feel the love and innocence radiating from her palms as she caressed his coat. She’d make a fine vessel.

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