It Feels Good to be Bad

Madden sat and watched as people strolled past, muttering amongst themselves. Women wearing extravagant gowns pushed past through swarms of men, giggling as they went. Madden sneered. How fortunate it was for them - to have it so easy, while others starved on the streets. With a quick swipe of his hand, Madden plucked a coin from a lady’s handbag, undetected by anyone. He smiled to himself, flipping the silver between his fingers. As he walked down the cobblestone, his hands wandered throughout the crowds of people, snatching up trinkets and money. By the day’s end, Madden had collected an impressive amount of items. He reveled in his plan - making the rich pay for the disparities that they so often ignored in the poor. Madden turned to the south side of town. Vagrants and wretches sat slumped against crumbling brick walls. They held out their shaky fingers as he walked by, dropping an item in each. He smirked to himself, for he knew that this was the right thing to do.

Time passed and Madden continued his routine, taking more and more each day. The rich paid no mind to him, perfect for his thieving. A ring from one, a hat from another. Soon, the buzz of the town was the mysterious disappearance of handbags among the wealthier women. Officers patrolled the streets and stealing became much more difficult. Just reaching out his hand earned him a harsh glare. Madden scanned the road, spotting a man that he’d gifted a ring a few days past. The man walked into a store, proudly presenting the ring to the man behind the counter. Soon after, Madden heard a yelp and turned to see the man being wrestled by an officer, a lady standing beside him pouting. “He took me ring, sir!” She accused. The man protested as the officer tied his hands, reprimanding him for a crime he didn’t commit. Madden squinted as more officers came to the scene. The chief shouted an order - “Search the South Side, there’s bound to be more!”

The officers returned with a hoard of worn-down people, some with tears streaming down their muddy faces. Madden turned away as he caught the eye of one. She glared at him but said nothing.

Madden felt no guilt, only spite for the rich who had given nothing, only taken from those less fortunate. Despite the recent events, he continued to distribute stolen items daily, ignoring the eyes of all those who were caught. Madden became a villain to the poor, even though he had provided so much for them. They saw him as someone who delighted in stealing, someone who had no motive other than remorse. Accusations floated throughout the people. Madden grew angry, for he had risked his safety to provide for others. He began to steal from the poor as well, taking their gloves and distributing the others who needed them “more.”

Madden’s greed and need for heroic praise led him to becoming as low as those who feed off of other’s success, and so after years, he joined the vagrants on the streets - with nothing but a cold heart and a deep hatred for helping anyone.

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