Submitted by The Author
"Her wits were no match to my blade."
Create an action-packed scene where the protagonist or antagonist says this line.
The Fight
I swing right at her head. I miss. I swims at her knees. I miss. I can’t hit her! Whatever I try it’s like she knows exactly what I’m going to do. But that’s impossible because I don’t even know what I’m going to do next. The one fight I don’t have a plan for she knows everything and every move I do. How is this possible. Unless she studied the book I gave her last night. But I doubt she did, it’s more than 3,000 pages long. She couldn’t have studied all that in one night. Could she? And even if she did, she couldn't have memorized it.
I guess she could see I was distracted, because the next thing I know i'm on the ground with an arrow in my chest. She hovers over me. "Maybe next time you'll have the decency to research your opponent. Maybe then would you would know that I am a highly trained assassin who only uses a bow, and arrow." She leans closer and tears the arrow out of my chest. "Thanks, this is my last one!" She says as she walks away with a smirk on her face. I can't believe it. She just defeated me. She just defeated the world's best assassin. I guess that makes her the world's best assassin. Wow, I never thought this day would come. I've been defeated. Im dead. Im gone. And now Scarlet Rose, will be the name that people think of. When they hear of an assassination.
*Scarlets pov*
He swings at my head. I dodge it. He swings at my knees. I dodge it again. It seems as though he doesn't understand what's going on. I'm clearly stronger than he is. I know exactly what he's going to do next. It's not that hard. He is so predictable. My training has gone so beyond this. And it's a good thing because if it hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to hide my bow and arrow.
I could tell he was distracted. This would be the perfect time to retrieve my bow and arrow. I quickly pull the arrow back. And let it go. Right in his chest! Yes! I mean, I knew that would happen but still glad it worked. I walk over to his body, which is now laying on the ground. I hover over him "Maybe next time you'll have the decency to research your opponent. Maybe then you would know that I am a highly trained assassin who only uses a bow and arrow." I lean closer to him. "Thanks, this is my last one." I say as I take the arrow out of his chest. I walk away with a smirk on my face. I can't believe I just defeated the best assassin in the world! Wait, does that make me, the best assassin in the world? I think it does! Wow, now I will be the first person people think about when they hear about an assassination. "Scarlet Rose, the world's most dangerous assassin." It has a nice ring to it!.