Nuclear disease

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I said one early morning. "Sure it is, Sugar," Larry said.

Even though it had been a year since the Nuclear war had ended, People were just beginning to emerge from the bunkers that had been our home for so long. Everyone was unclear if it was safe or not, since we hadn't been out long enough to see any long term effects.

And here we were, me and Larry, standing outside the bunker at sunrise. "...Are the others coming?" I asked to break the silence. He looked at his watch, before turning to see Janice, Lou, and Harry.

"Hey Larry, Laurel. How ya guys doing?" Harry called out.

We set off towards the beach, laughing and talking.

After a little while of horsing around, we see a seaside cave. "What's that in the corner?" Lou said. I walked over and dusted off an old diary.

The first page read,

Day 1.

I have left this bunker because I am sick and tired of cramped spaces and infinite claustrophobia! I'm not sure if this is safe, but anythings better then living under a literal rock!

Day 2.

I have found a little cave and have made it into a comfy little shelter. I hope humanity comes out soon. Being alone isn't fun.

I skipped a couple of pages forward.

Day 19.

I don't feel too well. It might be the lingering radiation, or I have caught a bug. It can't be too good for me to be surviving on crab meat and algea.

Day 32.

The sickness seems to be related to the radiation, as I expected. I had a strong craving today, one that hit me while fishing. I wanted to eat one of the fish i caught raw so so badly!

Day 46.

I don't feel like myself anymore. My skin is rotting off my bones, but I dont feel it. I can barely write anymore. This may be my last week before completely lose my conciusness.

Day 50.

This is my last day for sure... i completely black out every once in a while and wake up with a raw fish in my mouth. The hunger is intense... even when i eat. If you are reading this... get back underground... before the sickness gets you, too.

I stood back, horrified, and I glance at the others faces before running back to the bunker, suddenly paranoid. I skidded to a stop in front of the scientists room and I showed them the journal.

"Intresting... can you show me the cave so we can find and test the body?"

Half an hour later, i was fully dressed in radioactive armor, leading a small group towards the cave. They searched for about an hour before concluding that the body must had been eaten by seagulls.

That was, until they tried to leave.

"Ummm... i think we found him" One scientist said. I turned to see a rotting dead body standing up, head turned downwards.

It looked up at us before smiling, showing jagged, bloody teeth. Then it lunged at us. We ran, but one scientist was caught, the monster prying at the clothes before hitting flesh. The creature bit him, his veins turning black, his teeth sharpening. In a split second, there were two of them.

We reached the bunker, slamming the door and locking it tight. We sent out a radio signal saying,

"Do not go outside, zombie like sickness is spreading, and there is no known cure."

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