Inspired by Michael Espinoza

Write a fable set to verse.

How can you recreate the moral lesson of a fable in poetry format?

Little Red Writing Good

A young maiden

no more than ten

had cooked up quite a fable

She phoned her gran

up in Spokane

who said, "Come when you're able!"

An aeronaut

the girl was not

though she did catch a flight

While dressed in red

upon her head

a hood sat cinched real tight

She landed safe

but at the gate

the girl was swiftly cautioned

"Be careful, lassie

the world has baddies

and you're too young for coffins"

The lass agreed

she was in need

of extra prudent steps

Without discretion

an unlearned lesson

might fill her with regret

To Granny's home

sans chaperone

the brave girl traveled far

And though the bus

was vivacious

the girl longed for a car

A step or eight

up to the gate

twelve more up to the door

"Hello!" said she

with knocks times three

"I've come from Baltimore!"

"Err, yes, come in

my tiny kin!"

A voice inside replied

The girl came in

saw granny's chin

and shivered at the sight

"What hair you have"

said the young lass

her tone a touch repulsed

"Well, that's just rude

there little dude

you shame me on impulse"

"Oh me, oh my

you've such big eyes!"

the young lass blithered on

Old granny groused

and shook her snout

"I've been this way since dawn!"

"Since dawn?" asked Red

with growing dread

"Since dawn?" she asked again

While on the plane

bored and constrained

she'd whipped out her good pen

She'd edited

a few pages

altered her story's lead

That character

she'd dressed in fur

was never to be freed

Young Red confessed

with great distress

"It's as my book describes"

Granny went pail

"I have a tail

because of your mind's eye?"

"Please do not fear

my grandma, dear

I'm sure I can make edits

And when you share

this short-lived scare

be sure to give me credit"

Surprise, surprise

Writer's demise

Lil' red ran out of luck

No artistry

was left to weave

her writer's mind was stuck

And so, dear friend

we've reached the end

of quite a silly yarn

Sometimes we write

with such great might

we cause loved ones alarm

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