Submitted by CSW
Death’s favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl’s favourite friend.
Monica and reaper
December 16, 2011
There I stood.
"Room 12B, we're losing her." The nurse says angrily. She says that as if she's gonna cry. I stand there, smiling. 12B is where I'll go, another person had died. I assume I must do my job once again.
I am stopped by a young girl. She has small pigtails and was on life support cords. She was in a small childlike wheelchair that squeaked every time it moved. It was an old hospital but it was crowded with suffering people. I loved that... until now.
Her pigtails wiggled every time she coughed and she stared. Deep into my pitch black eyes. I could see her innocents yet her stare shot like daggers. I tilted my head slightly as her gaze didn’t weaken. She could see me. I smiled softly. No one can see me.
Hi.” She whispered. Gently releasing a soft smile. Her mother looked down at her, then somewhat behind me. She couldn’t see me. I waved back, dumbfounded that I’d had been seen by a human.
April 5, 2012
I heard a quiet sniffle.
“Where are you.” I asked quietly. Hoping that the mom didn’t hear me. I wasn’t being serious, I knew she couldn't. She sniffed again, this time with more life in her tone. It was rather ironic considering she was at a grave yard. She came this time with Lilac flowers and ribbons to tie them together. Though there were tears in her eyes, seeing me made her light up. I'm still not sure why.
As she ran with her arms open, she stopped. She sat on the floor for a minute. Gasping for air. She wasn't on life support anymore but she wasn't very much better. I looked at her with sadness in my eyes. Knowing I couldn't do anything I picked up her soul. Taking the sweet ghost out of her body as she laid there, lifeless. Her mom came up to her, tears running down her eyes and her face flushed with shock and horror. I watched as her face went red, hugging Lilia and placing her back into her now colored body. Her mom sighed heavily in relief that her daughter was alive. She looked at me with that warm smile she caught me with. She gently stood up, picked up her flowers, and walked away with her hand in her mom's. We didn't have much fun that time but just a glimpse of that heartwarming smile was all I needed.
She walked out with that smile...
"I'll see you another time."
She mouthed that to me. I look forward to it.