You have a special sense where your lips tickle every time someone you love kisses someone else. Today, it happens for the first time in six years, when you married your soulmate.

Write a story starting from this event, focusing on the emotions of the person experiencing this betrayal.

The Tainted Veil

Need to add ending lol

Mother rushes into the bridal sweet clutching our only maternal heirloom; a slightly discolored but intricately laced mid-length vail is crushed by two fists of ivory complexion. My mother is no stranger to frowning, but the corners of her mouth are draped down her face almost as fierce-fully as her plunging neckline. “Don’t panic,” she blurts out. I stare at her questioning, though mostly emotionless, as my mother is not one to have problems of real concern. My mother is one of those breeds of women that can take anything harmless and make it a mortal enemy with a swiftly spun tale. My interest in her information is very short lived, as it ought to be, and instead my eyes focus in on the clenched vail and the creases that will no doubt need to be steamed again before I can wear it. “What is it, mom?” I ask in slight frustration, still looking down at those clenched white fists. She begins, “I went down to the car to get your vail and those awfully painful red shiny pumps I NEEDED to have for this day, you know the ones that I was supposed to break in but I couldn’t because they were too painful..” “MOM!” I cut her off, too enervated to participate in her lengthy explanation. “Well that doesn’t even matter,” she starts again without missing a beat. “When I went to the car, I saw Thomas getting out of the limo, and before I could signal a hello, the wedding planner was getting out after him,” she exhales whatever breath she had left. “Okay.. and..?” I ask quizzically. “Oh that’s not all!” She continues, “the wedding planners dress was on backwards!”

More on that:

The dress is a revers plummeting dress and isn’t on backwards. Her lips tingle when the one she loves kisses another. Her lips tingled that day. She ignored it. It was actually tingling because her first love was kissing someone else. She still loves… HIM.

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