All the clues point towards me, but I can't have committed these murders!

From a first person perspective, write a short story about a detective who is slowly discovering that he might somehow be the murderer he is hunting.

Is it True?

My name is Joe. I am a detective and I’ve been looking for the person who has murdered my ex fiancé. I’ve traveled around and asked around, but nobody knew her. I went to her house where she was murdered and checked in places that I was curious about. When I was at the club with her last night, I got drunk so she had to drive me home. She pulled up to her house instead of mine. She got out and went inside her house without helping me get out or anything. She was super hot in my drunk eyes, so I went inside her house and crawled in bed with her. She turnt around and slapped me and ran. Then I don’t remember anything after that. I hope I wasn’t the one who killed her. After I checked places that I was curious about, I didn’t find anything important until I looked in her closet in her bedroom. She had a safe in it. I didn’t know the code so I took a crowbar and opened it. There were files about her parents that got killed by Mexicans when they were on vacation and she was only in high school. I didn’t know that about her parents, so I was shocked. Then I found my glasses that I dropped beside her bed last night and broke. So I guess she came back here afterwards and put my classes in her safe. There was also a small note that said “remember..” on it. It made me remember what happened last night when she ran away from me. She ran and fell down the stairs, going head first. I slid down the stairs and screamed because I didn’t know what to do. So I lied about what happened so I wasn’t blame for her death. Once I remembered all that, I sat on the floor of her bedroom and cried and cried and cried. Next day later, I go up to my Department and told an officer that it was me that killed her. Then I sat down and answered their questions and told the truth. 2 years later, I got life in prison, but at least my soul is at peace.

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