Safe and Sound

The deck of the wooden ship was slippery as we ran from side to side, bracing ourselves for each harsh wave.

Hats were flying off our heads and I couldn’t help but shiver despite the movement. You’d except everything but ‘life’ and ‘death’ to be forgotten during a situation like this, but apparently not.

A loud roar erupted and the ocean seemed to shake. A sinkhole of water dumped into the slithering creatures body with a _gulp_ that made me shudder.

Then it was silent.

Everything froze as if we were a wax sculpture. Only the wind kept moving, whispering a satisfying _hushhh_ in my ear.

The noise next is hard to describe.

Imagine a loud tuba and a whale song mixed together, but ten times louder.

So loud it felt like it was digging into your skull.

The creature leaped out of the water and spit the water in a circle, raining a mixture of saliva and salt water all across the ship. The pressure reminded me of jet mode on a hose and pushed me down to the floor.

I screamed, trying to push my brown hair out of my face as I slid down the side of the ship. My boots couldn’t find a ledge in the rotting wood.

My stomach dropped as the ship tilted towards its side.

And I dropped.




Down into whatever would be below.

I couldn’t think.

I could almost already feel the stinging of the cold water.

The prickles in my blood as it froze.

Then something snatched me mid-way by my stomach and I had to gag.

My breathing was heavy and I could barely hear the high-pitched squeal coming from the giant-multiple eyed octopus. His teeth gleamed golden and his scales reeked of fungus.

I barely caught my breath before I was dropped back into the ship with a _thud_. Everyone was in stunned shock and for a second I wondered if I was in hell.

Then the loud shrill echoed throughout the vast ocean again. I could almost imagine it stretching into the horizen.

Then several tsunami sized splashes. The octopus creature glanced towards the snake- like one before smacking it with its tentacle.

The snake landed with a glass-shattering splash in the water.

I held my breath. We all did.

I leaned over the railing and stared into the deep blue, looking for the snake.

It was gone.

I regained my balance and stared at the multi-eyes creature.

We stood in silence.

Then it swooped back into the water without another noise, leaving the ship and it’s crew rocking in the water.

Safe and sound.

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