High Above the City
There was nothing similar to the feeling of wind to Kale. As she watched the cars fly below her feet which were hanging off the edge of the cliff that surrounded the city in the shape of an unsymmetrical elipse, she pondered on whether or not she was making the right decision. She thought about her brother, still down in the city, trapped within the confines of her father’s home. The air was already synthesized in the city as is, it didn’t help he smoked so many different drugs. She feels empathy for her brother since she knows what he will go through while he grows up. He’s only nine, so there is a feeling of responsibility residing in Kale. Then there
were her friends that lived in the rugged houses due to the unspoken social hierarchy. The rich would only get richer. The poor would only lose more money. The ruler, Porener, claimed it was a trickle-down system. The only money that has really trickled down went straight back up into Porener’s wallet and government funding.
She knew she couldn’t stay. Kale was always told that she was in the safest space on the planet. Ever since she was little, she was warned about the dangers on the surface level, above the city, past the large cliff. Of course Kale didn’t believe a word. She knew that the only way that anything in this city could change was if someone brought it from the outside. She had researched history from the past intensly: World War III, the Great American Split. She knew how to get the city- no, the country- back into order. Kale was always smarter than her peers, and while she did gain a sense of pride because of her superiority, she also developed a feeling of lonliness. She knew that she wasn’t leaving too much behind. Finally, Kale stood up, picked up her backpack and her box of transforming capsules, and started off her journey- away from the city, into the unknown- past the cliff.