Forgotten World

*Dear Celestine,

I hopped on the hoverbus a few minutes after I sent this. I know everyone calls me old-fashioned for using paper and ink, so last century. But, hey, I think it’s a lovely way to spend your time. I quite enjoy the novelty of it. This letter might arrive mere seconds after the bus departs, or it might arrive after I’ve already left.

I can’t express how excited I am for your sister. Congratulations! Personally, I think you’ll make a great auntie.

I’m sure Cherlindrea’s shower is going to be great. I wasn’t sure what to get her. I eventually decided on some holorattles and blankets for the baby. But I know she’s into twenty-first century stuff, just like I am, so I stopped by this cute little antique shop first. And guess what I saw: a Smartphone! An actually handheld Smartphone from 2024! I couldn’t even bring myself to take it out of the glass container; it was just so majestic. There was also the fact that it was incredibly expensive…

In other news, Aurabelle got her time traveler’s license last week! It only took four simulations and a couple of alternate universes, but she’s ready to rock! (And by that I mean her dream travel destination is the Stone Age. Well, to each her own!)

Do you have any tips for getting pigeons out of your yard? There’s a group of malfunctioning ones that think I’m someone named Luna de la Oro. Either she gets a lot of mail, or these birds’ wiring is totally messed up. I’ve heard rusty nails work for rouge bots, but they’re kind of hard to get your hands on.

I’ve been contemplating the world we live in. In a world of technology and time travel and the stuff no one even dreamed about a hundred years back, it makes me wonder. What if we didn’t have to wear masks just to breathe, if the air was just a little bit cleaner. What if our vehicles couldn’t fly? What if we couldn’t hop in a space-time continuum booth and go back even just fifteen minutes? How much would our once-normal life be different?

Sorry to get so deep on you. You probably don’t want to hear that. Most people think I’m delusional anyways. I’m just the woman who signs letters in dead languages.

Anyways, this is goodbye, dear friend! Maybe one day we can talk like this face to face.

Au revior, and much amor,


*Translated from Gaiatongue, the language of the human race.

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