To Leave

Jen and Harry dropped off Sarah with the family. As they watched as the girls played together, Jen noted that others could snap at Sarah aggressively, but she couldn’t be bothered. Her desire to please made her easy to be around. The pitter-patter of feet encircled the room; Harry recalled that Sarah loved to play hide and seek and wouldn’t stop seeking until she found you — such a persistent girl she was. Of course, Jen noted, she could get over excited occasionally, but she could calm down in a matter of minutes. Jen called out “Sarah” and she came galloping their way, she was always good like that. Sarah was breathing heavily her mouth open wide and eyes peering up expectantly. Jen and Harry gave her one last pat, one last kiss on her soft ears, and with a deep pang pulled themselves up. As if a cord was forever attached to their sweet girl, they yanked themselves away. This would be the perfect family for their dog, but the ache in their chests and the tears upon their cheeks disagreed.

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