The Poet

Subject 31, gender: 2nd variety; weight: 2.3 purze; age: post pubescent

It pretends to sleep. How strange these creatures are? So different from us, weird and grotesque, their tiny eyes and stubby appendages. Dr. Curos house Le says they are primitives, merely reactive creatures. But to pretend is to have awareness of self and others. My house Cru is low borne but we know what we do not know. It is not for me to question. Yet.

My instruments sit in order by function and process. Order is good. There is a sublime beauty in order and purpose. This research could unlock untold mysteries. Light level of surgery room rise. The specimen is immobilized. Sweat beads on its head. Dr. Curos says it is wasteful to use anesthesia on primitives. Heart rate rises. The body trembles under my hands. Studies have shown test subjects experience minor physical pain and no memory of experiments. Yet what if our definition of pain and memory don’t apply on this planet with these creatures. Is it cold? Could it be afraid? The surgery room temperature is raised to four hilds of the specimen’s natural blood temperature. It is not for me to question. The first incision is made.

Samples are collected. Certification initiated. The eyes of the specimen are open watching me. Questions leak from its eyes. Note to GX headquarters revise specimen’s age to pre-pubescent. Not appropriate for further testing at this time. Tag and release. It is large for its age. What if it remembers holding pain in its brain in a way we don’t understand. Dose of analgesic and sedative administered. Its eyes close in sleep. ItS weird looking head is petted by my hand. The specimen is prepped by the extraction team. My tools stand ready. Dr. Curos will be displeased. She will call me a poet. My tools stand ready for subject 32.

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