Every day, a person goes to a flower shop and buys the same peculiar flower.

Write a poem about this person and their flowers.

Marigolds For A Quarter

“One marigold please.”

The voice startled Jane, she looked up from the flowers she was tending to the man. He came every single day with an almost blinding crooked grin.

“Welcome to the cattail boutique and also, hello again sir.” She answered him with a laugh and picked out his flower from the assortment of bright colors with a flourish. “One quarter for the marigold, I’ll have one ready for you tomorrow as well.”

He nodded with his usual grin and took a careless step backwards down the stairs with his flower. “Why thank you madam I’ll take good care of it” his eyes twinkled a bit with each word.

Jane would wave him off with a nod and shake her head seemingly exasperated with the man although all the other customers knew that she always watched him leave for a while before turning to the next order.

(God I suck at writing romantic scenes oh and I’m so sorry I didn’t realize it said a poem 😭)

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