Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

I’m Sorry

“Remember that time when we were climbing up that gigantic tree and then I fell off and you laughed at me! You sat there and laughed at me!” Arthur exclaimed with a slight grin on his face. “Oh oh or the time when I fell during the talent show and you posted a video of it. Yeah that was messed up. How could you do that to your best friend? That video went around the whole entire school!” He started to laugh. He hadn’t talked to Carly in a while so bringing back memories was a good conversation starter. At first it was awkward. Just the two of them in a park. Arthur did all the talking.. Memory after memory. “How about that time when we promised we’d get married? Oh how I wish I could fulfill that promise” he said. “Hey I’m sorry I let you leave that night. At the party. I knew you were drunk and I let you go anyway. I let you go when you couldn’t even see straight. Can you forgive me?” He whimpered avoiding any contact with his surroundings. “I should’ve made sure you got home safe. Instead, I watched you get behind the wheel, turn on the car, and take off. I didn’t even think about it. I’m sorry.” He said as he started to tear up and pick at the grass. “But I was angry and you were angry so I wasn’t thinking straight and I let you go. I let you go and I didn’t care about you. Until later that night when I got the call. The call... you know.. the one that said you” he struggled to finish his sentence, tears were streaming down his face. “The one that said you got in an accident. As soon as I heard the news I ran to the hospital and I sat by your side until you got better. You see. The truth is I let you go that night because I love you more than a best friend. And to see you flirting with Josh I just didn’t care anymore. I was done with you. And I knew you’d never like me back so I gave up on trying. But I’m here now and that’s what matters okay. I’m sorry... I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry! It should’ve been me behind that wheel!! I should be the one in your position! I deserve it not you!” Arthur started yelling and hitting the ground. Until eventually he stopped. His emotions went numb, and his mind went blank. “I’m sorry” he whispered, as he walked away from a tree that had been crashed into a few weeks before. Which at the trunk and in the grass, had shards of glass, flowers, and a picture of Carly from the night of the party which she had passed away.

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