When I Look In The Mirror
When Amelia was a young girl the age of 9, her mother became quite discontent at the sight of her. She was blossoming into her womanhood at such a young age. And her mother was furious.
She yanked at the mirrors hung on the walls of their castle. They were really drilled into the concrete, and so she swore and used all her might until they each came crashing down around her.
Shook by the sound, Amelia ran to her mother.
“Mother, is everything all right?”
“Get away from me” she scowled. “YOU did this.”
“But mother-“
“Don’t talk back to me young lady!”
And with that, Amelia was banished to live in the attic, so her mother could have some peace.
Years later, Amelia fled the castle. She wandered the woods, looking for any light she could find that might bring her to a safe and comforting place for her to be.
What she found was forest, and swamp. Her feet were soaked and so was the bottom of her nightdress. She kept going. Determined to get herself out of that place.
Curiously, she stumbled upon an old mirror they used to have in the foyer of the castle. Amelia hadn’t seen it in years, nor had she seen her self. She approached the moss covered mirror to reveal the reflection of a young woman so beautiful, though a bit on the unkempt side.
“That’s me!” she exclaimed. Her joy was quickly snuffed out as her thoughts became just like her mothers.
You’re teeth are crooked, your hair is a mouse-y colour, you’re fat, ugly, and nobody likes you. The familiar words echoed in her mind.
She slumped over and carried on. Maybe Prince Charming will love me, she prayed.