Write a story through diary entries or letters discovered in an abandoned house.
Epistolary stories can offer unreliable narrators and incomplete narratives, giving you space to add mystery, confusion, or intrigue to your story.
The White Room
December 8, 3750
Dear diary,
It’s been 16 months since I was kidnapped and taken to the white room. I don’t remember who I was nor my life before the white room. My life is the white room, everything I love is the white room…..
December 25, 3750
Dear diary,
I am alone, completely alone. Today a man in a black robe came to see me. He took my hand and stared deep into my eyes for a long time. His flesh and eyes didn’t seem human. His hand felt cold to the touch, and it seemed like there was no sanity behind those cold dead eyes. After that, it was just me and the white room again. The white room is all i have, however, sometimes I think the white room wants to kill me. I trust no one.
January 7, 3751
Dear diary,
I don’t know if anyone will see this, but if anyone does, be aware of the men in black. No matter how much you cry, beg, or bleed, they will not stop. I don’t know how I ended in the white room, but never go in the white room. I heard screaming from down the hall, it was #18690. They were nice, they talked to me a couple of times. I was upset for a few seconds, but after some time in the white room, you learn to not get attached to people. The men in black tortures the ones that try to seek happiness.
February 15, 3751
Dear diary,
Everyday is getting worse. I constantly hear the ticking of a clock, the sound makes me want to rip my ears off, the noise just won’t stop. Sometimes the ticking of the clock speeds up.
February 27, 3751
Dear diary,
The men in black visited me again. They said that I am well-behaved, I try not to talk just in case the men in black decided to torture me. The void of the white room is horrible, I can’t think straight. I see things, awful things, things no one should ever see. The ticking is still there, it’s slowing down now.
March 23, 3752
I can’t take it anymore. The voices in my head are saying horrifying things. The screaming of the others are haunting me at night. If you ever see the men in black, run as fast as you can, and never look back.
I won’t be writing anymore…’s too late for me, but not for you.
Goodbye to who ever is reading this, good luck.