Write a villanelle about something that has been abandoned.

The villanelle is a type of poem characterised by its repeating lines and ABA rhyme scheme which create a lyrical effect. There are a number of other rules for a full villanelle if you wish to incorporate them.

My Ol’ Bike

When I was five

My dad got me a bike

And it made feel truly alive

I used to go everywhere on it

With my cousins and my friends

And it never tired me one bit

One time I saw a slight break on the wheel

And I thought it was game over

So my heart started to sadly squeal

And when I turned twenty-one

My mum got me a car

And my life on the road begun

The moment I held the steering wheel

I felt nothing but power

It’s something I’ve never been able to feel

Until I noticed my ol’ bike

Sitting sadly in the garden

And I was going to give it to Cousin Mike

But I changed my mind cos it’s memories are still with me

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