by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.
The Lake
We don’t go towards the lake anymore. Not after last years accident.
People don’t talk about what happened to the little girl down by the lake. We light candles and frame pictures of her.
Our school holds a ceramony and tells us if we need greif counseling we’re welcome to join. I use to play by that lake when I was younger. Me and my friends would jump in the water and the coldness would envelop you making you feel new.
I sometimes wonder what it felt like to have water fill your lungs.
What made her wish to tie rocks to her feet and jump in the lake.
Why she didn’t talk to anyone.
Still people greif my death, it makes me feel selfish.
Selfish for tying those rocks to my feet and having water fill my lungs.
Selfish for giving up.
Still people will continue to frame my photos.
Light candles.
Use my name to serve as stories as to why you should always tell someone when you feel depressed.
Or you’ll end up at the ocean floor and your photo in frames too.