Inspired by Charlotte Blake

You have been listed as an alibi for a friend who was arrested, but you know that you weren't with them at the time of the crime.

Write a story about this situation unfolding.

Her Alibi

“I don’t understand. Why are you here?”

Dina looked quizzically at the two policemen standing on her step. One was a rather stout woman with short brown hair who looked to be about her mother’s age. The other, a very tall man who was completely bald, looked like some television star that Dina could not recall. They looked ludicrous together, like cartoonish figures.

“May we come in a moment? We just need to ask you a couple of questions.” The woman had stepped forward, placing her foot against the door so Dina could not actually shut it. “It will only take a few moments.”

“What could you possibly want from me?”

“A few moments of your time, madam.” This time it was Bald Head who spoke, and Dina sighed. It was obvious to her that they weren’t going to just go away and by now she was curious about why these two police were on her step at seven a.m. on a Sunday morning.

“Well, come in then. I was just pouring a cup of coffee if you will excuse me for a moment.” She paused and then her inherent good manners kicked in as the two sat down on the easy chairs facing her sofa. “May I bring you coffee?”

“I would love a cup. Thank you.” This was the woman, and she smiled at Dina. “I’m Sergeant Harrington and this is Lieutenant Jenkins. Harry, do you want coffee?”

“I’ll pass,” Baldy said, taking out a small notebook and crossing his legs.

Dina poured the coffee and carried it back into the front room, settling herself on the sofa and looking at the two of them. She said nothing, just stared and sipped, and they stared back at her for a moment. Finally the Lieutenant spoke up.

“You are acquainted with a young woman name Theresa Connant.” It was a statement, not a question, and Dina nodded.

“Theresa and I are co-workers. Why? Has something happened to her?”

“We’ll get to that in a moment,” he replied. “We’re you with her last night? “

“We went out for a drink after work. At that Park Tavern just around the corner from the building where we work. What is this all about?”

“How long were you at the tavern?” This time it was the woman who spoke; Sergeant Harrington, Dina remembered.

“I’m not exactly sure of the time. I had had a bit to drink and Theresa and I shared some fish and chips and chatted for a while. I got a taxi home at some point by I am not sure what time. Has something happened to Theresa?”

“She is currently under investigation for an incident at the tavern last night,” the bald guy said. “I can’t give you complete details but she said that you could vouch for her whereabouts for the evening. So again, what time did you leave the tavern? Please take a few minutes to try and pin down the time.”

“A stabbing? Is. Theresa all right? Is she hurt?”

“She’s fine. Unfortunately, a patron of the tavern, a man called Ernie Bankston, was stabbed and killed and your acquaintance is a person of interest in the stabbing. She said you could vouch for her being with you until midnight. Is that correct?”

Dina paused. The fact was, she had absolutely no idea what time it was when she left the tavern and arrived home. She had had way too much to drink and the taxi driver had had to help her unlock her door. She had collapsed into bed, not even bothering to change out of her clothes. Theresa had told these policemen she could vouch for her whereabouts all evening, but Dina knew that was not true. She also knew that Theresa and Ernie Bankston had been drinking at the bar much of the evening. That was one of the reasons Dina had had too much too drink and finally just left; Theresa had left her in the lurch to go flirt with Ernie.

“So. Can you tell us Theresa was with you all last evening?’ It was Short Lady. “Mr. Bankston was stabbed to death in the back alley behind the Park Tavern sometime after eleven p.m. The bartender recollected he was with Miss Connant at the bar at least until then, but then he could not recall when either of them left. We’re you with Miss Connant after that time?”

Dina sat quietly. Whatever she said in the next few moments could be a life-or-death statement for Theresa. Theresa had said she was with Dina and that Dina was her alibi.

But was that the truth?

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