Submitted by Mariana333

“I awoke not with a bang, nor a whimper, but rather a long steaming tongue scraping its way up the side of my face.”


I awoke not with a bang, nor a whimper, but a rather long steaming tongue scraping its way up the side of my face. The moist heat roused me, eyes bleary from deep sleep.

I instinctively pushed the tongue away, wiping the grotesque saliva off my flesh. My head was turned, recoiled away from the repellent sensation, yet I could feel a substantial weight sitting atop my chest.

As the fog of slumber lifted from my mind, my eyes could begin to make out the room around me. Pale moonlight filtered in, casting a dull glow over everything, like a thin layer of silver dust. The weight pressing down on me intensified.

Finally my head turned, eyes blinking in an attempt to adjust to the waking world. What took up my gaze was utter horror personified.

Its skin appeared to be made of oil. Dark, slick and glinting in the dull light of the moon. Worm-like things squirmed and writhed just under the surface of its oil-like flesh. Its too large mouth hung open, displaying a repugnant amount of curved razor-sharp teeth set in blood-red gums. The long steaming tongue lolled out the side as it grinned and panted.

It leaned towards me again, fully bringing into view the rest of its terrible features. A smashed nose sat perched atop its disgusting maw, and two eyes, milky and gray, stared at me with what could only be described as hideous glee.

The long tongue made contact again. A soft grunt escaping the things throat. I turned my head, attempting to roll away, yet was greeted with the sight of an oil-black arm blocking my freedom.

The tongue pulled away as the thing spoke.

"S-so...t-tasty...," It said, its putrid breath caressing my cheek.

Cold blood coursed through my veins. I looked back at the creature's face, its grin widening.

Tasty...Was this thing going to devour me?

Fear had such a grip on me that my body refused to move. A cackle boomed through the room, its long tongue never going back into its mouth. It lifted its hands. Long spindly fingers flexed then wrapped around my forehead and chin.

A sharp giggle fell from its mouth. " be..." another giggle. "S-so Tasty!"

Unbridled joy dripped from the words.

It turned my head. All I could do was whimper. I was reeling. Moments ago I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, now some hell-spawn was ready to turn me into its midnight snack. What even was this thing?

Suddenly, I could feel the sensation of something long and thin snaking its way into my ear canal. I cried out. It leaned in again, giggling.

"S-scream a-again..." It hissed. "F-Fear... Scream!"

A sharp pain deep within my head, a scream of pain and horror burst through my lips. Whatever it had creeping in my ear was still going deeper. It was no longer in the ear canal, but had penetrated through the wall of it.

I continued screaming, hot tears falling down my cheeks. Its hot tongue lapping them up giddily. A wet squishing noise filled my head, and the pressure inside my skull felt off. My mind was beginning to falter, a fog creeping over it.

The same sensation began in the other ear, a fresh new wave of fear washing over me.

Supposedly feeling, or tasting this, it paused, leaned its horrid head back and howled excitedly. It began again without even looking. The same sharp pain as before repeating on the opposite side.

All I could hear now was my own heartbeat and my own brain squelching. The mental fog was growing stronger, fear was the only thing I could feel in this moment.

The Amygdalae sit behind the ears, in the temporal lobe.

The thought seemed alien to me in this moment. The clarity of it foreign to my fear. Yet, it meant so much to my situation. Fear, what the creature evidently considered so tasty, was manufactured by the brains amygdalae.

Evidently privy to the break in fear as what was left of my mind's power was used to make that connection, the creature leaned its abhorrent visage to my face. Its teeth inches from my throat as it stared at me with those dead eyes.

"S-scream again," it whispered, before beginning to apply a dreadful pressure to both sides of my skull.

The pain peaked, and a scream escaped my lungs. It leaned its head back and cackled, the pressure grew again, and an endless void enveloped my consciousness.

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