Write a poem with the title “One Long Night”.

Night time settings are excellent for exploring a number of themes or events. What kind of experience might you write about?

One Long Night

Hushed whispered and crackling flames

Marshmellows sweetening the air

One long night, out in who knows where

Tucked in bright tents

Dappling the field

The fire is out, not a sound is near

Strange creatures howl

And birds fly in pairs

One long night, out in who knows where

You hear snuffling outside the tents walls

Unable to breath, you make yourself small

There you sit the rest of the night, your body frozen but your soul alive

Heart racing depleats as the morning sun rises

It scares all away, no more suprises

You pack up your things, tossing them without care

Never again a long night, out in who knows where

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