
“All rise” a crowd of 30 men stand up, their hands placed firmly on the wooden table. “Benvollio the Brave, esteemed king of the snowy Livhen, the hot Mensollio, the fearsome Kruxsverg and the green Kolsdon.” A large man with a trileopard fur coat and tattoos engraved into his strong cuffed arms enters the room, his deep eyes staring through his followers shadow. As he walks the room trembles, walking, walking, walking to his large wooden chair engraved with crystals from each kingdom. As he sits everyone sits, the servant girls pouring beer and wine. “Men I gather you here today to celebrate, we have been victorious. This war has been long and foreboding, we have lost our friends, our family and most importantly our comrades. But all our suffering is over and we are victorious.” A surge of cheers echoed in the room as Benvollio smashed his beer down like a judge’s gavel. “However I do owe you men a prize.”

“Perhaps his majesty could compensate us with gold and riches.”

“What about land and a handsome reputation”

“Men, we all know-“

“Enough.” Benvollio put his right hand up smiling to himself. “They are all good rewards however I have decided to offer up my daughters.”

“My king, there are 30 war-hero’s you understand how your plan might not go so smooth.”

“I know, which is why I have decided that any man who is married or engaged shall receive gold and silver. The rest shall compete.”

“But sire, what about the men who fail?”

“Then they are not worthy of a prize.”

“How can you be sure that no man goes bitter.”

“We shall create a declaration.”

No single man in that hall was happy with the kings decision but they daren’t disagree without reason.

“Now then, let the games begin.”

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