The Fire That Changed Us

The smoke, singeing the soft flesh of my throat. Feeling like I breathed in the fire too. My poor little brother, was trapped in i his closet, surrounded by the flames. I used my sore throat to mumble directions to the 911 operators

“1572 Winchester Ave. please! Our house on fire!” My mom and dad, would come home to ashes. I screamed to Asher, asking if he’s ok. He shouts loudly “Sis I’m scared!!!!! When will the firefighters be here?!

“I called buddy. Hopefully soon!!!” I coughed deeply, to the point I saw stars. My head was spinning and it was getting harder to breathe. My lungs felt like they were being squeezed. I couldn’t hang in much longer, as I started to fade...

I half awoke to a man yelling my name. The rubber oxygen mask filling my lungs with sweet air. He asked my name and age. “Megan, I’m 16.” On the other side I saw my moms beautiful face as she reached for me

“Oh my God, my baby girl we’re going to save you!! Asher too! He made noise after hearing the sirens. You’re both safe my loves.”

“With the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.”

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