
_I failed in the alien department, but this is still a work in progress…!_



You were like a ladder

I climbed up.

Out of the world I’d known

and always (to be honest)

a little despised.

But as I stood there

(on higher up rungs)

I realised it was harder to

keep balance, my inner ear felt 

lost, choked, muffled.

Thinking words, not hearing.

Lofty ideals and you,

blinking :::

Fear slipping down then.

Marauded, for now I am stuck.

In the middle, I cannot go up

nor down. Stuck with you 

the clearest bell.

Ringing true, the parables tell,

love - only wishful.

Tale, this tale will sell.


"This is the most challenging activity that humans get into, which is love. You know, where we have the sense that we can't live without love. That life has very little meaning without love." - Leonard Cohen.

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