High School Play

“You can’t be here,” he said.

“Vampires only.” I grinned a sadistic smile. “Is death allowed?” Carl and I broke character and sighed. “Dang it. That’s not your line, George..” Carl dropped his script and rubbed his eyes. He’s done this a lot lately and I’m surprised his eyes haven’t fallen out.

“Yes. Yes it is! This is just some dumb high-school play. Why does it matter how I say it?”George crosses his arms and glared at Carl, the six-foot one theater kid.

“Guys look, Practice is over in fifteen minutes let’s just move on with it—“

“Kaley, this isn’t football,” Carl said, cutting me off rudely, “It’s a dumb highschool play, Now—“

“Ha ha! You said it was dumb!” George stated in a mocking tone.

“Oh shut it, Now—“

Carl was cut off once more by George who was still mocking him.

“Oh what is it with you!” Carl shouted picking up his script just to throw it down again, for dramatic effect. (He’s a theatre kid, what did you expect)

“What is it with me? No—What is it with you!” George yells back, His finger pointed at Carl.

“There’s nothing wrong with me!” Carl replies, Crossing his arms and glaring at George.

“Yes there is! You’re running this play like we’re on Broadway—or something like that—! It’s a high school play! And I doubt the presidents going to be here. It’s a thirty minute Halloween play that only our moms will be here for!”

“Well put your best smile on Georgie cuz Mommas bringing her camera!” Carl shouts, tearing the script from my hands and throwing it on the ground, joining his.

“Will you stop doing that!”

“Stop doing what?”

“Throwing the paper on the ground! It’s annoying!”

“Oh like this?” Carl then grabs George’s script from George’s hands and throws it on the ground where mine and his script had already landed.

“Oh,” George held a glare on Carl as he balled his fists, “I am done. Goodbye. Find yourself a new death!” George then proceeded to pick up the three scripts that were laying on the ground and threw them at Carl’s feet.

Carl scoffed, watching George walk off the stage then walked off the stage, heading towards the opposite door.

I flinched once hearing George’s door slam, Then once again when Carl’s slammed, And again when the main doors slammed open.

I quickly turned around finding Chris holding four cups of coffee with his back faced toward me.

“I brought coffee,” he started in a sing-song voice. “Where did every one go?” He gave me a confused look.

“You missed it! They almost bit off each other’s heads!” I sighed, Sitting down with my feet dangling off the edge of the stage.

Chris’s confuses look changed into a knowing one before he replied, “Again?”

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