Books And Blood

A red book lies on the counter unperturbed and untouched, the house is a mess all except the kitchen. The door slams open and yelling follows.

“How the heck would I know there was a police around the corner!?” A man yelled,

“I don’t know maybe you could have looked.” A woman yelled back,

The door slammed agin this time closed.

Hayden huffed and entered the kitchen, roughly running his hands through his hair before sitting down at the counter. His partner Jane entering behind his before he could even have a chance to get comfortable her heals click, click, clicking on the hardwood floors. Jane took in a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak. Oh no, this was going to be long.

“Do you know how bad that could have been if I hadn’t had a back up plan, we could have gotten caught or worse we could have failed. Do you have any idea how rash-“ She started.

But you know what he wasn’t in the mood for this,

“Lalalalala, I can’t hear you,” He said in a sing song voice like a five year old,

Janes face turned bright red, she quickly glared, turned around and stomped up the stairs. Hayden took the small moment to take in his appearance, there was dried blood in his hair and splotch on his hoodie that would definitely leave a stain. He probably needed to fix that, if the police randomly decided to show up at his house he was definitely screwed.

Hayden picked up the red book. But right as he opened it Jane ran down the stairs a panicked look in her eyes.

“Geez Ja, what did you forget this time?”

“Nothing the, the, the police are right outside.”

“How many,”

“At the moment only two, could be more any second now.”

Hayden didn’t even wait for her to finish he hopped into action. Rounding the counter he searched every single drawer. This is what he got for never using the kitchen, he knew all that fast food was going to bite him in the butt one day but he didn’t think it was going to be like this. He had assumed that maybe he would someday get so fat he was no longer able to escape the police.

Finally he was able to find the knifes, tucked away nicely in the corner drawer. He picked up two of the biggest ones and tossed one to Jane. She caught it deftly in one hand.

Hayden heard a knocking at the door, slowly increasing in frequency as the minutes ticked by.

One of the police finally called “Police open up!” And when that didn’t work the kicked the door in. It was quite obvious from the looks on their faces the hadn’t expected two armed criminals to be waiting for them in the entrance way to the kitchen.

Jane ever the stealthy one struck first embedding her knife deep into the first police officers neck, but as she tried to pull the knife out the second police officer walked her hard in the temple. Sending Jane flying across the room. That’s when Hayden acted throwing the knife at the second officer and nailing him right in the arm. The knife went through his arm pinning it to the wall behind the officer. Hayden scrambled to grab another knife from the drawer. But the officer having different plans wrenched the knife from his arm and dropped it to the ground.

Almost like some super hero in disguise would. But this man was no super hero or if he was he didn’t reveal himself. No. Hayden flung the other knife he had picked up and this one did the job piercing right through the mans heart.

Hayden looked at the blood on his hands and the walls around them, screwed, they where screwed. Then the adrenaline wearing off he finally heard it. The sound of hundreds more police cars converging on the house. Ok yah, most definitely screwed.

Hayden panicked for a second then brought his thoughts back under control. he picked up Jane and opened the door to the pantry.

“Yah, this book should serve as enough evidence if the bodies were’t enough” a detective says holding up a book with a red cover.

“Great” One of the thousands of police officers “Now all we have to do is catch them,”

“Yes well if you would all step out with me for a second I would like to ask you a few more questions.”

“Ok sure whatever you say Detective Hayden.”

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