by Joey Kyber @ Unsplash

Write a story or poem titled 'Chains'.
It is like my mind is wrapped in chains. I’m unable to break free. I feel weighed down with their weight. What are these chains on my mind? They are my memories of things that happened a long time ago. It is like they want to keep my a prisoner in my mind and body. Never feeling and never healing. When I see a chink in the chains I work at it with the skills my therapist gives and like a prisoner working the bars on his cell with a file I try to cut through, but then just when I think I am getting somewhere they regrow. It is a vicious cycle this anxiety and PTSD. Will I ever be free, will these chains ever be broken allowing my spirit and mind to soar in the clouds happy and free. Instead of always remembering and seeing their faces.
Chains is true. I want to shrink them down and make them into a suit of armor to stop the hurt from ever happening again if I am to live with them forever, make them useful. Right now I am working hard making these chains smaller, they are smaller and more pliable with every session and soon I think I will be making them into armor because they will be pliable enough and small enough. Then just wait and see my happiness will be beyond belief. To the day I break these chains!