'It’s impossibly ugly this sweater, but I wear it each week, no matter the weather.'

Use this line as inspiration for a poem.

A Bit of Me

If beauty is subjective then so is ugliness.

You say my sweater is ugly and I’m inclined to agree, but nevertheless this sweater is a bit of me.

I wear it no matter the weather, in rain and in snow. I wear it in the summer as the sun heats me so.

I’m attached to this sweater as I’m attached to my arms. I see no reason to protest or come forth with any qualms.

I’m not hurting nobody by wearing this sweater. I sleep in it and I’ve never felt better.

Does it need a wash? Yes perhaps it does, is it true that on occasion it’s covered in bugs? But it’s not like I can remove it, it’s fused to my bones. For in this sweater I died on the day I never made it home.

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