by Nick Scott @

Write a story from the viewpoint behind this image.

The Unfriendly

Jake had quite the eventful morning. He was awoken by a smashing noise somewhere outside of his room. Which caused him to jump out of bed like a surfer who heard the weather forecast said there would be some knarly waves! As he fumbled around putting on his clothes, another noise came from what he had now determined was the kitchen. Like a panther on the prowl he had made his way to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. The intruder was one of "The Unfriendly". They had been given this name because every single one is an outcast, having been shoved out by the community to the outskirts of town. Shaking his head he had remembered they were still trespassing no matter how bad he felt, so he had gone to approach them. However when he made a move to get closer, the girl ran away with her hair flowing out from under her hood. Jake was intrigued at that point so he made the decision to follow her. Eventually they made it to the only secret spot left in the whole town. Jake had found it years ago and as far as he knew was the only one who had ever gone there much less knew about it. When the girl sat down, Jake followed and sat down quite a bit of distance away just to keep her from being uncomfortable and running. Then they had just sat there watching the fish swim by and listen to the crickets go crazy. Not a single word was spoken between the two, not that she could have spoken at all anyways. See, "The Unfriendly" as a punishment had all of their tongues removed. But it was the most peaceful time Jake had ever experienced and when it got dark he told the girl he would be back tomorrow and if she wanted to join him that would be super cool! And she nodded with a smile as he smiled back and left for the evening. Who would've thought that "the unfriendly" could still create relationships!

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