The Honoured Ones Make a Plan

"I am being serious. This isn't something I would joke about." Ethan explained. "Without a doubt, we could rob a bank. It really wouldn't be hard."

"I don't think that is what Andrew is worried about. Right?" Chloe asked, turning to Andrew who nodded. "Exactly, he is more worried that you literally want us to rob a bank."

"It is a bit out there," Andrew added quietly.

"I quite like it," Zoe said from across the room. "Why shouldn't we, I mean we are already on the run. The agency is after us, the normies want us dead. What's a bank robbery on the long list of our alleged crimes?"

"I hate to say it but these two are right. We need what is in the vault, stealing it is by far the easiest way." Shay agreed. Walking into the room with a whiteboard, snatching a pack of whiteboard markers from a glowing patch of air. "So what we should do is actually work out how we are going to do this."

"First rule, no harming anyone." Chloe said, everyone except Andrew giving each other side eyes. "Guys we can't keep letting our image go down. If we ever want to be seen as heroes again we can't keep destroying things."

"No she's right. No harming anyone." Ethan nodded, "Not even the security or police."

He hesitated. Putting a hand to his chin. "Ok well maybe the police if they try something stupid."

"Agreeable," Zoe said, sticking out her hand to shake.

"Now that we are all on the same page. Who wants to kick off the idea storm? No brain boost. Oh man someone help me here." Ethan asked looking around.

The group all looked at him. Covering their mouths, trying not to laugh.

"No no. We trust in you our fearless leader. He who wants to rob a bank, can't think of a simple iddium." Chloe laughed, the rest of the team joining her.

Ethan swiped the pens from Shay and drew a loose map of what the bank looked like.

"We need to get into box 734. There are two of us in the team who can actually break into the box. Shay and me. So that means you three will have to play distraction." Ethan explained. "Would any of you like to tell me how you should play distraction?"

"I think-" Zoe began.

"No you aren't getting Alex to tunnel into the bank." Ethan interrupted her.

"Why both having her on our side if we don't use her to burrow. We are wasting her incredible powers." Zoe pouted.

"Nope, next." Ethan turned to Andrew.

"We could try to lie and fake our way near the box?"

"Not bad but also terrible. We are all teenagers, there is no way they would believe that we have a box. You smart one. What's the plan?"

"Me?" Chloe asked, acting surprised and doing a terrible job of it. "I have a lot of ideas."

"One." Ethan warned.

Chloe clasped her hands over her mouth, everyone could see her brain whirring.

After a few seconds she slammed her hands on the table.

"Ethan you are so so rude." Chloe laughed.

"I don't know what you mean." Ethan said, sharing the smile.

"If either of you don't tell me what's going on I am going to start throwing furniture." Zoe warned.

"We are trying to get into this box to get an item. We have a picture of the item and a written description of what it does."

"Okay? I still don't think I understand." Andrew admitted.

"We also happen to have someone on our team who can create objects out of thin air."

All eyes fell to Shay who looked scared. She pointed at Ethan, "Look at him, he is the one who wasted our time!"

"I will be honest I just wanted to see who was on board for robbing a bank." Ethan laughed.

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