'The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today it felt different, almost magical...'

A Full Sensory Experience

Over in olde town, there is a little used bookstore tucked between two hip restaurants. The Pages was overlooked by most, but dear to me. The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today it felt different, almost magical.

As I walk through the door and hear the tinkle of the bell announcing my entrance, I’m instantly smiling. There’s just something about this place. I see the towering shelves that wind throughout the store. I smell the hundreds of thousands of pages that fill the space. I close my eyes and I can hear someone turning pages of a chosen book. I feel the spines of countless books as I make my way to the counter and I can almost taste my own anticipation of what Walt will have for me today.

It has been nearly three weeks since I have been able to step foot in The Pages, but I know that Walt will have a treasure set aside for me. He always does. And I really need an infusion of inspiration. The last three weeks have been taxing.

I round the corner, expecting to see Walt, who would light up when he sees me, but the counter has a young girl at it instead. My smile fades and disappointment begins to bloom. She looks up and with recognition, she smiles at me.

“You’re surely Remy? Walt knew you’d be back soon. He left an absolute gem of a book for me to give to you!” she looks genuinely excited to hand over this book that materialized in her hand from underneath the counter.

“Thanks, I think? How did you know who I was?” I ask skeptically as I approach the counter.

There is a fleeting look of uncertanty on her face. “Honestly? I didn’t, but I just had a feeling. Walt said I’d know who you were when you walked into the store, but gave no other clues to me. You must be special though because this book…” she trails off shaking her head with a coy smile on her face. She offers the book to me. “See for yourself.”

I reach my hand out and take the proffered book from her. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. A tear wells up in my eye. My favorite series as a child. How did Walt know?

“Open it up,” the girl quietly suggests.

So I do, and on the inside if the front cover is a note that reads, “Remy - never lose your imagination. Narnia is always just on the other side of that wardrobe. - C.S.”

I’m absolutely dumbfounded. I look and see its a first edition copy. Magical day in my favorite bookstore indeed.

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