Rock and roll with it

I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it was a death wish to even think about, yet here I am, in the sewers. Here I am looking for the creatures... they’re gonna kill me.

I walked down the miles of concrete pipe, my shoes full of water like sinking ships with each step. The stench of human waste deteriorating, the feeling of what little air there was being more suffocating than helpful, what a sorry situation. The only thing that could make this worse would be to bump into what I came looking for.

Just as I got to a junction within the pipe system I felt what seemed to be a wall hit into my back. Scratch that last comment, the only thing that could’ve made it worse was what I came looking for to bump into me, of course this would happen!

“Runt. What you doin’ ‘ere?” The gravelly voice of the creature ground in my ears painfully.

“Me? Pfff I just came to visit! Can’t I visit my family?” He huffed annoyed and picked me up to spin me around and face him.

“We not family runt.”

“Listen Rocky, whether you like it or not you took me in when I was 7 so yes I consider you guys family okay? And I need to ask you a few things so could you please put me down now?” With a grunt he dropped me into the murky gunge that coated the floor like liquid carpet and I stumbled into the mess. Great. “Gee thanks Rocky.” I grumbled and luckily he didn’t hear or took no notice as he plopped down into the water beside me, splashing me with yet more brown murky gunge.

“Talk, my silly little Runt” I smiled knowing that deep within his rough rock layers he could be a softie.

“So about my mum...”

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