Inspired by J.R. Watson

Your protagonist returns to regular life after being in hospital for months.

Think about what this character might struggle with, or how their perspectived and priorities might have changed.


P.s. sorry this is so boring, I don’t know what to write, I’m just trying to meet my daily writing goal, lol. Plus I have a LOT of homework to do 😭

      β€œIt doesn’t feel like it’s been that long…” I sighed after taking a deep breath of the cedar and pine smell that filled my house. 

      I had just gotten out of the hospital after four months because of a car accident caused by a distracted driver. Since then even just being inside a car has terrified me to my core, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to drive a car again. So much has changed, and yet so little has changed. My house is the same, my family’s the same, my friends are the same, but I’m not…My body is scarred and I have to go to rehab every week to be able to regain the usage of my left arm. My next door neighbor moved out and the city is trying to bribe the people in my neighborhood to leave because they want to put in apartment buildings. My cat ran away from my moms house while she was taking care of her for me, and a few days later my mom found her dead on the side of the road.

      β€œI need a change of scenery.” I told my best friend over the phone that evening, β€œI think I’m going to move to Florida.”

      My friends and family tried their best to convince me to stay, but it didn’t work. Now I’m here in Florida, I have a new job and I’m learning how to live in the present. When I was in the hospital I had time to look back over my life and I realized that I haven’t done anything useful with it. Now everything’s different, instead of using my time to benefit myself, I use my time to help others.
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