Fear Of Tomorrow

I think I’ve spent so long worrying about losing you, I didn’t enjoy the time I had.

I always thought of how the moment would end,

While I was still enjoying it.

How we would fade out of each others lives,

No longer friends,

Until we became strangers.

It scared me and I did what I always do,

I dwelled on the fear.

It consumed me but now I can finally see

How I ruined the present worrying about the future,

About how it would be the past soon.

It was true though, I’ll admit even now.

The moments quickly faded,

And now only memories remain.

But it hurts me to look back on them

Because I know I could do better.

Life without you is miserable.

Life without you hurts,

But maybe it’s better that way.

Maybe I needed to lose you,

To move on.

Maybe I needed to lose my today to find tomorrow.

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