After a bad breakup, the main character finds a phone number offering a free fortune telling to those down on their luck. They decide to call.
No Regret
⚠️T/W⚠️: mention or murder and S/A
Numb is all I’ve felt for months. Cold plain numb. I’ve been through many break ups in my lifetime but one like this one, this one one very messy and I haven’t been able to leave my house for weeks at a time sense. But today I finally decided to go out. I threw on a comfy sweatshirt with my favorite shorts that curve around my body nicely. I locked up my hose then set off to find something to do.
Shopping always fixes my problems so why not shop until I drop right? As I walked through the Isles I admired and grabbed everything that caught my eye and ended up with a full cart of things. As I made my way I stopped to look at a bulletin board that was hanging on a wall. “Find your fortune” a flyer said on the a paper in big bold letters with a number just below a picture of a woman with a crystal ball.
“Here we go again” I sighed knowing damn well I’m about to take one and call the number.
After checking out and loading my car I decided to call the number (told ya). I dialed the number and put the phone up to my ear and waited for this so called fortuneteller to answer.
“Hello this is Mrs.Dorothea how may I help you” an old sounding voice said Into the phone.
“I saw your add for your fortunetelling Business and was wondering if I could make an appointment” I said slowly into the phone.
“Of course! Are you free at 2:00?” She asked.
“Sounds great” I smiled.
“Ok I’ll text the address to the number your calling from”.
“Ok I’ll see you at two” I said hanging up.
*incoming text from: Dorothea?
Dorothea- 785 east Blackwood rd room 11
Dorothea- I look forward to seeing you.
Me- see you at 2!
As two comes I make my way to the address that was sent to me. I’m starting to regret calling. What if she kidnappes me.
As I get there and walk into the large apartment building and find the room I start getting nervous. I knocked on the door and waited patiently.
“Ahh hello Clary Frey”.
“You know my name?” I asked completely surprised.
“I know many things about you” she said walking into her small, dark apartment. There were astrology posters plastering every wall and ceiling.
“So umm what exactly do you know about me” I said slowly. Surly she doesn’t know what I did. Just as I sat down the door flew open and cops with shields run into the room
“Clary fray your under arrest for the murder of Jace Wayland” one of the cops said pulling me up and cuffing me. How did they find me? I was so careful. I thought I hid the body in the perfect place.
They took my to the police station and sat me down in a room with only a table and a mirror which I know is two sided. A few minutes after they put me in the room some man came in.
“Hello Mrs.Frey my names agent stone”he said sitting across from me.
“Let’s make this short because I honestly don’t care anymore, that’s on right” I said motioning towards the recorder sitting on the table. He nodded.
“Yes I killed Jace, I stabbed him 5 times in the back and watched him bleed out, no I don’t regret it” I said ready to get sent to jail for the rest of my miserable life.
“Why did you do it” he asked looking completely unfazed
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” I said looking down at the table.
“Try me” he said.
“He raped me, it was the only way to get him off me” I said tearing up. I don’t regret what I did. Because I can’t regret it when I can’t feel anything.
“You were defending yourself?” He asked slowly.
“Yes” I nodded “I can’t feel anything” I sobbed “I need to feel” I shook my head.
In the end I only got 2 years in prison and a few other things I have to do after i get out. I finally lost it and completely felt everything at once in court. Jaces mom isn’t mad, mourning yes but not mad. She knows I didn’t want to hurt him. But in the end I just hurt myself.