The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.

Write their story; how can such a story end?

The Ego And The Unwritten

Solaria is on one end of the labyrinth and Altare is on the other. Neither of them know each other is there and Altare is the last person Solaria wants to see. Now they face challenges, turmoil, and an obstacle that shows their deepest characteristics and things that they will take to the grave.

“What the fuck? Where the fuck am I?” Solaria says in fear and confusion. She looks around only see concrete in every waking corner. She runs frantically, desperately trying to find a door, a window, a crack, something or somewhere to escape the purgatory infront of her. She runs and runs till her breath sends stabs to her lungs. She drops to the floor as she realizes theres no way out… or so she thought.

“Oh fucking hell. Not this bullshit **AGAIN**?!” Altare screams into the void. Altare has been here before. What do you expect from a man who doesnt understand the word ‘no’ and ‘please stop’. He starts walking around, trying to find the first task he has to complete. Will Altare finally learn his lesson and learn his actions have consequences or let his ego shine through and duck around the rules again and will Solaria finally close a chapter in her life that she has left unwritten and untouched or will she continue to stare at it till the end of time and forever leave it untouched.

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