The Bird And The Snake

Snake pov: Two enemies who hate each other so much that they made a promise to kill each other the next time they meet but one thing that they don’t know is that they go to the same school… This is a story about two enemies who are also friends in secret… well they don’t know it yet. I look out in the window and I see her my bestfriend who I like, she’s beautiful but her eyes are more beautiful because they shine in the sun and I well… I don’t have the courage to tell her that because we’re just friends… right… when she gets to class I see her and run over to her hugging her like I’m about to die or something and I always end up blushing because well you know she makes me happy.

Bird pov: I feel his arms rubbing my back like he’s happy to see me but the thing is we seen each other yesterday so I don’t get why he miss me this much but I also love him too… but we’re just friends… right?

Time skip: during the fight on the top of a building

Snake: so are you going to give up or no… bird.

Bird: no I refuse to die to you!

Snake attacks her with his sword and his sword stabs her in the stomach. Bird screams in pain and cries but then laughs and looks up to snake slowly and says,” I also got you in the stomach too…” . Snake is then shocked and blood starts to come out his mouth and looks at bird then says to himself,” sighs* I guess that me and bird will die together but her wits were no match for my blade as well.”

Snake and bird then takes off their masks then looked at each other with shocked eyes and says each other’s names, Jayden and Sasha… those were their names. Sasha cries and says,” I’m glad it’s you,” while Jayden says, “ me too,”… . After that they kissed happily and died together while holding hands on top of the building.

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