Write a story where no characters have names.

Think of creative ways to identify your characters without using their names. How might the characters themselves refer to others?


“You- do you- know who you are?” he said.

“No… do you?” she asked.

“No. Where are we?”

“I don’t really know.”

All the two knew is they were trapped.

Trapped in plain, cubed, white rooms.

There was a wall between them.

They couldn’t see each other. Their belongings were gone- though they couldn’t remember if they had any to begin with.

A soft tapping sound arose from behind a wall… it calmed them.

She called, “Hello?”

Nobody. Not a single sound… other than the soft tapping. They sat down backs together through the wall. They sat there for who knows how long… waiting. Waiting for what?

They didn’t know. Waiting for the tapping to change… waiting for someone to come… waiting for something to change… waiting to know they weren’t alone.

“Are we alone?” He spoke both their thoughts. Neither was sure. He decided to stand up and put his ear to the wall.

The tapping continued. She stood up and put her ear to the wall as well.

She gasped. “It’s not tapping!” He had realized too.

It was a sort of muffled beeping. “I wonder…” he muttered. It was like they could read the others’ mind, for they both, at the same time, pushed the wall. They pushed hard.

Unfortunately, the wall wasn’t meant to be pushed. The wall wouldn’t break or come down. They tried pushing all the walls- none fell.

Suddenly his room was turned into a maze. And as if it was a peculiar type of elevator, it suddenly sank and moved to the left. It darkened quickly. She noticed him underneath her as her floor turned to glass.

“It’s a puzzle!” she gasped happily. “I’ve got to tell you where to go!” She walked across the room, and slowly but surely found a path through to an area with a light and a button.

“What?” he said, surprised.

“Is something the matter?” she asked.

“I know the path…”


“I don’t know, I just saw it!” And effortlessly he walked between the walls and found his way in under a minute.

“I- well go on, press it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She was, somehow.

He pressed down on the button. It shined as the yellow light reflected his face. He looked up and saw her face for the first time- actually, neither could remember if they knew one another. Maybe it wasn’t the first time…

He was lifted up to her room on a platform that rose out of the floor. They hugged. It only felt like the right thing to do. Suddenly the wall in front of them fell and revealed a smiling screen. “Welcome.

“You have been accepted. You won’t have names- you’ll be field agents. I was tracking your every move. You have good minds- better than normal, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t, sorry…” he said.

“Telepathy. You can read one another’s minds.” Both gasped. “Walk through to the next room.”

They noticed a wide arch and a thin opening. “Where?” she asked.

But the screen had already switched off. “Do we separate?” she asked curiously.

“No. We just found each other- we can’t be separated.” They hooked arms and stepped towards the doors…

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