Submitted by Oddity

Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.

This could be real or metaphorical.

In My Bubble

In my bubble, I can do whatever I want

In my bubble, I can just do nothing all the time

In my bubble, I can always stay calm

In my bubble, I can know nothing will go wrong

In my bubble, I can waste time however I want

In my bubble, I can sleep as late as I can

In my bubble, I can eat or drink whatever I want

In my bubble, I can always be in pleasure forever

Forever, forever, I can just expect joy forever

And I don’t need anyone ever at all

For I am in my bubble, all to myself

To always enjoy and nothing else

And nothing else…………But just whatever

In my bubble, not knowing who I am

Or What I want to be other than just a time waster

In my bubble, I never do much, never change, never learn

In my bubble, where I miss out on many things

Many things that could help me withstand things

Get things, see things, other than just chilling

In my bubble, I never earned much, never did much, never had much, never really lived

…………Maybe…………. it is time to get out of my bubble

Yeah, maybe it is time for me to live my life

Maybe it is time for me to no longer survive in my bubble

Alright, I will get out

What, no?!

I’m trapped!

I-I can’t get out!

I’m hitting against it as hard as I can, but it doesn’t work!

Help, please!

Is there anyone who can help me get out?!

I don’t want to live hiding in my bubble

I want to live showing myself in my world

Please, let me out!

Oh, man, I hit my bubble too hard

My mom heard me

She’s rolling over to my room

She loudly yelled at me as she was getting massaged in her bubble and watched YouTube

She started to sigh out of irritation and told me to roll downhill

Stairs were removed after too many people died from rolling on stairs

Not because the balls’ structures were unfit for stairs, but because people were too caught up in watching holograms and interactive programming

Especially the suggestive ones, which is weird

Along with being kind of terrifying in its own way

Okay, I’m thinking too much

I then rolled downhill

And there I saw my dad in his bubble making coffee and shouting over a FootBalls game

Where the bubbles were playing football

While the athletes were in their bubbles and watching, doing whatever

I saw my brother in his bubble talking to a hologram of his girlfriend

Not talking, but was reading off what the bubble had for him

As he was playing a video game where you have to help Mickey Mouse find his Nestlé water and EA headset

My brother’s bubble moved away

I saw my dog in his bubble

As he was getting fed by his bubble

I decided to roll somewhere so I would be alone

I really thought about bubbles

How slaves who are suffering the most deceive themselves into thinking they rule the most

I feel alone in a world where everyone else just treats life like an endless routine

Doing things over and over again

Never thinking, wanting, or doing anything else

But just relaxing, joyous, blinding, destructive laziness

How can you be free when you have been made to be so lost?

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