The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.

What do they do?

It’ll Be Alright

“I have to tell trouble something” Alex says out of nowhere while helping clean the kitchen.

“Ok? Spill” Michael says walking to stand in front of Alex just close enough that Alex’s chest rest against Michaels crossed arms.

“I did something bad” Alex says stepping back so they are no longer touching.

“How bad? Alex what did you do” Michael stepped forward placing his hinds on Alex’s shoulders.

Alex started to tear up “I killed him” he sobbed “I killed my dad” he said collapsing into Michaels chest.

“You wh- I thought he just skipped town” Michael stated rubbing his boyfriends back soothingly.

“He threatened to expose your secret, I had to stop him” Alex stood looking into Michaels eyes searching for any type of emotion. He expected to see hatred, fear, anything and everything bad but all he saw was concern and love. You see no matter how much the two of them have been through somehow they always end up back in each other’s arms.

“You don’t hate me” Alex said shocked.

“How could I hate you? Your dad was a horrible man, I’m literally proof” Michael said holding up his hand revealing his messed up hand that Alex’s dad smashed with a hammer when they were just 17 after finding them together.

“Alex no matter what I’ll always love you” he said stroking Alex’s cheek.

“So did you already hide the body?” Michael asked backing up a few steps.

“Yeah I already took care of it” Alex sighed covering his face with his hands.

“Ok then, everything’s going to be fine baby” Michael said pulling Alex’s hands from his face and putting the around his shoulders “I love you ok? No matter what happens I’ll always love you” Michael said putting his hands around Alex’s waist.

“I know” Alex said kissing the love of his life “I love you too.

(THIS IS SO BAD. And old. Sorry I didn’t post it earlier🤷🏻‍♀️)

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