What Is No Longer There

“Miss Violet, get up from the ground. We have a routine to learn.” Mrs. Mercer spat towards my direction. I collect myself from off the ground, resuming my pirouette. Ever since I was attacked my body has been in bad shape, so a part of me holds gratitude for Mrs. Mercer will to push me pass my limit. “I will only demonstrate once more Violet, you have to put in the effort despite being incapacitated, mind and body.” Mrs. Mercer gets in position to prepare for the pirouette. She pushes her foot off the ground and there she is. Flowing with elegance. “Yes ma’am!” I smile and prepare for the big turn. I lift my foot off the ground and I keep turning and turning and turning. I did it. “What a way to solidify it, violet.” She says smiling.

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