Create a poem surrounding the theme 'Fact or Fancy?'

What meanings does this phrase bring to mind?

Fact Vs Fancy

Every person is hard on themself, whether it be comparison, not getting the grade, or a dislike of a personal trait or characteristic of themself.

One may feel as if they are not worthy of good things because of a mistake they have made in the past. They may believe they deserve harassment from the kids at school or the striking comment from the boss in the office. They may believe they are responsible for their partner’s lack of interest or feeling, or that the crush doesn’t like them because they are simply being themselves.

Every person feels left out, misunderstood, and unseen at least once in their lives. This is just fact. But it shouldn’t be so.

Fancy… something a whole lot of girls strive to “live up to.” Fancy… the expectation that is humanly impossible for us to maintain 24/7. Fancy… what has molded teenagers, adults, kids, into believing that they aren’t doing, trying, or being enough.

Social Media is a big escort on the world of “fancy.” Many times, it shows a person, perfect, effortlessly whizzing through their own joyride called life. This is just fancy. But it shouldn’t be so.

Our world needs a balance of some of those real situations and hard emotions, the difficult truths and times. But, these trying things make the sweet facts even better. We need more people in the world who are real and honest, but are grateful for the great opportunities and moments they’ve received to become better people. The moments that seem small: the sun shining for the first time that week, the meme that made you laugh, the text your friend sent on a bad day. The trials of the world make the good times more beautiful. This is just fact. And it should be so!

Fancy will drive you off the roof, telling you you need to work on being something perfect, like a plastic doll that makes no mistakes in functioning. Ever. But fact will help you become a better person and accept life as a gift.

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