What Is Love For Real?

Real Love

Love's not just a feeling, nor a flame,

That flickers bright, then fades with fame.

It's not just words, nor tender touch,

But a choice, a commitment, and so much.

Real love's the laughter, tears, and strife,

The struggles shared, the trials of life.

It's standing strong through every test,

Through every up and down, and every rest.

It's looking deep, beyond the facade,

And accepting flaws, and imperfections displayed.

It's embracing quirks, and loving the soul,

Beyond the surface, to the deepest goal.

Real love's the comfort in silent space,

The trust that's built, the faith that's placed.

It's the forgiveness, the understanding ear,

The patience and kindness that calm all fear.

It's the growth, the evolution, and the change,

The journey together, through life's range.

It's the creation of a love so true,

A bond that strengthens, and forever renews.

Real love's the choice to love each day,

To put another's needs before your own way.

It's selfless, kind, and unconditional too,

A love that heals, and sees you through.

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