The Kid (part 5)

(Leona pov)

I ran as fast as I could towards wolf. The smoke made it almost impossible to breathe. Then I saw him. He was laying lifeless by a nearby tree.

“Wolf!” I shouted. When I got to him he was barely breathing. I saw the snare on his ankle it was so hot that it was red. I took out my pocket knife. Jamming it between the pieces of metal I pried it loose. I picked up wolf. He was surprisingly light for a teenage boy.

I ran as fast as possible away from the fire. After tripping a few times and some coughing fits, I found a safe place. It was a cave near the mountains. I put Wolf down. There was a stream running straight through the cave. I made a makeshift bucket out of twigs and sticks. Then I dumped the cold water on him. Wolf sat up almost immediately.

“Wolf! Your okay!” I resisted my want to hug him.

“I told you to get out of the woods. You could have been killed!” Wolf said. He was clearly angry.

“Well if I had then you would have been killed so I took my chances.” After a moment of silence he said.

“Thank you.” “Thank you for saving my life. But now you have to go.”

“What why!?”

“I saved you when you were kidnapped so you could be free! If he sees you with me then you will become a target for him and lose any chance you had to return to your family!” He shouted. I could hear the sadness in his words. “Look I know how to live alone. I’ve lived alone my whole life. I’m alone for a reason. To keep people safe.”

“Safe from who?” I asked.

“From me! I’m dangerous. One day I will lose control and you will get hurt if you stay here!” I stared at him, surprised at his outburst.

“Look your what fourteen?” Wolf nodded.

“You shouldn’t have to live like this, you know alone. Let me take you with me. You can meet my kids I’m sure you will get along just fine.” I said putting my hand on Wolf’s shoulder. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.

“No, I can’t hurt anyone I care about… not again.” Wolf turned away from me.

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