©2016-2019 RavenCorona - @ravencorona

Write a story or poem set during this battle
The creature reared its head again, its terrible screams sending spasms of fear throughout all who gazed upon it. It’s attack had been swift, and the defending forces ill prepared. The small garrison at the remote outpost was mostly comprised of reserve forces, ready for a small skirmish not a full on siege from never before seen daemon. As they reigned fire hastily upon the creature, its energy weapon lashed out, scything three of the defenders clean in half. The faces of the defenders that were left turned to abject horror, as a second beam sliced another of their kin in half at the waist, they turned tail and ran. Little did this small force know, that his was only the beginning of this conflict, and that this was an entirely new enemy for them to grapple with.